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This is the Official website of the Magi Society and the only authorized website for Magi Astrology™ | ||||
MAGI SOCIETY ANNOUNCEMENT: WE ARE BRINGING BACK BEST AND WORST DAYS One reason we will bring it back soon is that there is at least one website offering “best and worst days” advice but the advice is so dangerously bad that we must protect our fans. For example, that site claims June 20 and 21 are the worst days of June. They will actually be good days. That site told you June would be a very bad month, but it was a very good month.
Our second order of business today is to remind the world that astrology and science were synonymous until the late 1800’s. Aristotle was revered in his time as both a great astrologer and man of knowledge (in essence as a great “scientist” but no such word in his time). Aristotle was private tutor of Alexander the Great. The famous scientists that fueled the Renaissance were all students and teachers of astrology. Every single one of them. Astrology was viewed as being science itself. Copernicus, Galileo, Brahe, Kepler were all scientists and astrologers (history now calls them astronomers but don’t be fooled, they were astrologers). Isaac Newton and Benjamin Franklin were so steeped in astrology they both calculated their own ephemerides. It is a lot of effort to do that so you have to be a serious astrology student to do so. Throughout the whole of Asia, especially in China, every emperor’s child was tutored by the court’s astrologers. So what happened such that now, in the 2023rd Year AD, we see what we show you below when we did a search on astrology and science?
The war against astrology began in the 1860’s shortly after Charles Darwin published his book “On the Origin of Species.” Atheists all around the world used the book as a rallying point and attacked every idea that supported the possibility of anything SuperNatural. Christianity was attacked because it acknowledges the existence of a SuperNatural God. Astrology was attacked because it acknowledges the existence of SuperNatural forces that we do not see. At the Magi Society, we have always known that the astrological system is a Divine Astrological System that helps all of us in so many ways we will never realize all of them. More significantly, we have always known that Evolution Theory is a con job – even the evolution scientists no longer really embrace it any more, but you do not know this because atheists control what you read and hear. Here are some reasons why evolution theory is a con job:
Embryology is the science that studies how an embryo and fetus develop into a fully functioning newborn. In other words, embryology is the science that studies the very beginnings of life itself. That is pretty important. That is why for decades, embryology researchers were awarded massive amounts of money by foundations and government agencies, and all of the world’s most prestigious universities were competing to hire the world’s best embryologists. During the 1960s, Cambridge University had an embryology department that was larger than any other life sciences department. The years beginning in the early 1930’s and ending in the mid 1970’s were the Golden Years of Embryology. During its golden years, embryology researchers were on a roll, making a series of earthshaking discoveries about how life begins and how a newborn develops inside the mother’s body. All over the world, scientists of every discipline were eagerly waiting for each new breakthrough discovery in embryology. Every week, a new embryology research paper was published worldwide revealing breathtaking discoveries about how a sperm fertilizes an egg and how an egg develops from a single cell into a newborn with 26 billion cells. Imagine that – one cell into 26 billion cells of a new born human baby. The adult human has 100 trillion cells. The human body has 226 different types of cells. How does this all happen? Fascinating, right? The whole world was enthralled. Each new discovery was eagerly awaited, widely disseminated and most highly publicized. But then all of a sudden, beginning around June of 1977, news about embryology research stopped being disseminated by the mass media. In fact, the very word “embryology” was rarely heard on TV or radio from that time onward (there was no Internet at the time). What happened? Why did all this change? We found out that beginning around June of 1977, all US government agencies including the NIH and all major American philanthropic foundations like the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations stopped funding embryology research. European based foundations also ceased granting funds to embryologists. Why? The answer will shock you. But this is the answer: All major US and European government agencies and foundations abruptly stopped funding embryology research around June of 1977 because embryology researchers were making discoveries that contradicted evolution theory. Every discovery in embryology was evidence against evolution theory. Embryologists were conducting research into how a single human fertilized egg developed into a newborn baby with 26 billion cells. But science had no idea how this happens. What many believed was that the unbelievably precise step by step development of a fertilized egg, embryo and fetus could only be explained by accepting that it was all designed and engineered by the Hand of God – none of it could have evolved by chance. The biggest discovery of embryology is that evolution theory was fatally flawed.
EVOLUTION THEORY IS FATALLY FLAWED Charles Darwin’s original Theory of Evolution was introduced in his book entitled On the Origin of Species which was first published November 24, 1859. Evolution theory has since been updated and the updated theory is known as Neo-Darwinism. Almost all scientists unequivocally support Neo-Darwinism. We refer to all adherents of Neo-Darwinism as Darwinians. Darwinians tell us that the simplest forms of life such as protozoa and bacteria only have about 2,000 genes. Humans have between 23 and 30 thousand genes, more than any species. There is a direct correlation between the complexity of an organism and the number of genes in their chromosomes. The more complex the organism, the more genes their chromosomes have. Darwinians generally acknowledge that in order for a simple form of life to evolve into a more complex one, the simple organism must acquire new genes. New genes are necessary for any major physiological improvements. For example, Darwinians admit that if life began in the water, then a whole group of new genes were necessary for fish with gills to evolve into amphibians with lungs. The genes that grow gills are different from those that grow lungs. Similarly, in order for the first birds to “evolve and gain wings” they had to somehow acquire a group of genes that gave them wings. Going from gills to lungs or from no wings to having wings requires major physiological changes and are examples of “Complex Evolution”. There is “Complex Evolution” and there is also “Simple Evolution”. Evolving from one bacterial species into another bacterial species does not require major physiological changes because it is “simple evolution”. Darwinians claim this is easy to achieve. – you just need one new gene. (Bacteria are single sexed so their chromosomes do not come in pairs making it so that a new gene does not have to be matched by the paired chromosome.) But in order to achieve “complex evolution,” an organism has to acquire and add a group of new genes. This makes Complex Evolution very difficult to achieve. How does a group of new genes get inserted into a chromosome and the paired chromosome at the same time in the same locations? Darwinians insist that it is easy to add genes. They assume that the gene and chromosome system are simple and linear. They like to think of the chromosome as being very similar to a necklace – and just as you can easily add a new pearl to a necklace, you can also easily add a new gene to a chromosome. Just add it. Really? We don’t think so. That is a flaw in evolution theory. But we do not have to debate that now. Let’s discuss a much bigger flaw. Darwinians have also presumed that each gene works independently of every other gene. This “gene independence” assumption is essential to evolution theory. If genes do not work independently of each other, but instead worked in coordination with each other, it would be impossible to add a new gene because it is inconceivable that any new gene could somehow coordinate with an existing gene such that the two genes would work together cooperatively. It is impossible to add a new gene to a genetic system if the new gene has to synchronize its activities with pre-existing genes. A good analogy would be the gears of a Swiss Watch. Every gear of a Swiss watch works in cooperation and coordination with all the other gears. No gear works independently of the other gears and all gears work together towards the unified goal of keeping accurate time. It is not possible to add a gear to a Swiss watch because there is simply no chance that the new gear would work in coordination with the other gears. Adding a new gear would prevent the watch from working properly. A working Swiss watch could not accurately keep time if you added a new gear. Like a Swiss watch, if genes cooperate and coordinate with each other, there could be no way to add a gene and therefore there could not be complex evolution because complex evolution cannot happen without the ability to add a group of new genes. This has always been a dilemma for Darwinians. But Darwinians kept this problem a secret. Their entire beloved evolution theory would fall apart if it were ever proven that genes worked in coordination with each other like the gears of a Swiss watch. Darwinians were able to dodge this crucial question and hold onto and defend evolution theory until the science of Embryology made a series of monumental discoveries that proved genes “talked to each other” and worked in coordination with each other. Embryology proved that genes did not work independently but instead worked cooperatively. Embryology is the science of the beginnings of life, from the fertilization of eggs by sperm and the subsequent development of the embryo and fetus into a fully functional newborn. In the 1960s and 1970s, the science of embryology proved that embryos develop with astounding coordination and precision, so much so that all genes have to coordinate their activities with each other. Embryology proved that genes are not independent of each other but are instead coordinated and synchronized. If you click on the link below, you can watch a video produced by NOVA about the development of human embryos and how during the development of the embryo and fetus, “genes talk to each other”. Genes cooperate with each other and synchronize their activities with the activities of other genes. https://www.pbs.org/video/nova-lifes-greatest-miracle/ The video explains and shows you how a fertilized human egg (it is just one cell) develops into an embryo/fetus and over the course of nine months grows into a newborn baby with 26 billion cells. The human fertilized egg grows from one cell to 26 billion cells – there are over 226 different types of cells in the human body. 26 billion cells from one fertilized egg. 226 different types of cell from one fertilized egg. How can this happen? How does one fertilized cell become billions of cells, with so many different types of cells all perfectly organized such that the end result is a fully functioning baby? And they are all so cute and adorable. Let’s try to explore how. When you watch the video, we hope you will pay special attention to the fact that during the early stages of embryonic development, the fertilized egg (which has a full set of genes) continuously divides – first into 2 cells, then into 4 cells, then into 8 cells, etc. (After each division, each of the new cells has a full set of genes.) A bit later on, 128 cells all divide at the exact same time into 256 cells, and still later, 2048 cells all divide at exactly the same time to become 4096 cells. In the case of a human fertilized egg, every one of the cells has 23 pairs of chromosomes with a full set of genes (over 20 thousand). It is these genes that control when the host cell divides and what the cell divides into – for example whether the cell eventually becomes an eye, as opposed to a toe or part of a lung. In the first week after fertilization, the cells divide about every two hours. It is amazing that all the cells divide at the same time. They divide at the exact same time. The EXACT SAME TIME. Even more amazing is that each cell knows what to divide into. Ultimately, all the cells of the embryo divide into new cells that form different parts of the body such as the right eye or left thumb, etc. The human baby has 26 billion cells and the adult human has 100 trillion cells. The human body has 226 different types of cells. There are many different types of cells in the body. Every cell has a full set of chromosomes and genes and every cell has the same genes. Scientists tell us that the difference between the various types of cells in a body is that each type of cell has different genes “turned on.” The genes in each cell control what the cell does and what kind of cell it is. The only way an embryo can develop successfully is for all the genes in each cell to know what to do and when to do it, and for how long. All the activities of all the genes in every cell are somehow synchronized with each other and every cell coordinates its activities with each other and they cooperate with each other. This means that all the genes must be following the same Master Embryonic Development Plan. We have no idea how the genes know about this plan and how they follow it but they all do follow it. There is no alternate explanation. These facts deal a death blow to evolution theory. Here’s why: Complex evolution can only be achieved if it is possible for organisms to generate new genes (Evolution Genes) and add new genes to their chromosomes. But what is the origin of a new Evolution Gene and how is it added? Darwinians insist there is no Creator or Designer. Therefore new “evolution genes” must somehow be generated by chance – in other words generated randomly. But it is inconceivable for a randomly generated gene to TEAM UP with existing genes and not disrupt their activities. How does a new gene know what to do? It is impossible for an Evolution Gene to know about the Master Development Plan. It is even more impossible for an Evolution Gene to actually follow the Master Plan. The final conclusion is even if evolution could create a new gene, it is not possible for any new gene to coordinate its activities with all or any of the existing genes. Therefore, complex evolution is impossible. Evolution theory and Neo-Darwinism are just parts of Fake Science. Evolution theory has been a con job by Darwinians. The development of an embryo and fetus is mystifying and mind bogglingly complex. Just think about it. From one cell, the fertilized egg, comes 226 types of cells, 26 billion of them, all functioning together. 226 types of cells like skin cells, bone cells, brain cells, kidney cells, adrenal cells, blood cells, cells that store energy, hormones, nerves, and so on and so on. How can a single fertilized egg cell produce so many different types of cells? The video and scientists inform us that all cells have the exact same set of genes. Scientists claim that different types of cells have different genes “turned on.” We think it is a whole lot more complex than just having different genes turned on. We ask: What controls when to turn a gene on and off and for how long? Whatever the real answers are to these questions, it makes it even more impossible to add a new gene and therefore more impossible to have evolution. There cannot be Complex Evolution if an organism cannot add new genes. The precise way embryos develop proves that it is impossible to add new genes because no new gene could team up and coordinate with the existing genes to form the embryo. You cannot add a new gear to a Swiss watch without messing up the watch and you cannot add a gene to a chromosome without creating problems. We suppose if you could make a Custom Made Gene designed to work with all the other genes, you might be able to add the Custom Made Gene. But only God can create a Custom Made Gene. Evolution cannot. Let’s use the analogy of a symphony orchestra playing Beethoven’s 9th. Each musician/instrument is similar to a gene. Every musician has an instrument to play. But the musician has to have the sheet music to play the right notes at the appropriate times. The musician has to know what to play and when and cannot accomplish that without sheet music. You cannot add a new musician/instrument unless you provide at least the sheet music. In the case of the development of an embryo, the Master Embryonic Development Plan is the equivalent of sheet music. You cannot add an Evolution Gene because it cannot possibly know the Master Plan. An Evolution gene cannot know what to do and when to do it and for how long to do it. There cannot be Complex Evolution.
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